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Company Member

Amr has finished his Masters in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Surrey. His history of skateboarding and hip-hop dance made his transition into physical theatre smooth. His first ever performance was dying as an old man in the USSU Theatre Society's production of Fahrenheit 451 (2016). The year after he played Daedalus in Bead Upon Golden Bead at Inter-University Drama Festival in London (2017) and is now a part of Buried Thunder.

From the depth of madness that is Cairo, Egypt, Amr brings a lot of energy and a unique perspective when it comes to stories and storytelling. One of his favourite lines is that 'there's rarely a new story - but there's always a new way of telling a story.'

The past 5 years in England for Amr have been an enjoyable, educational and spiritual journey. He hopes to stay in the country and learn from its experienced engineering industry, and one day be a part of a team that establishes a green and sustainable infrastructure to be used as a model for the world.

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